Meet some of our former residents
It’s easy to become focused on the buildings and gardens of Winckley Square and to lose sight of the people who designed and built the properties and those who followed; living, working and playing here over the past two centuries. In this section we aim to ‘repopulate’ the Square by exploring the stories of residents from the past.
We try to reflect a wide variety of characters in the section. We include the well-known stories of wealthy, famous and powerful men with connections but we also highlight the equally fascinating stories of women who had a great impact on the evolution of the Square and the unsung folk, men and women, whose roles as servants and workers enabled their employers to live the lifestyles they did.
Wherever possible we try to relate what people did to the times in which they lived. We draw on national issues which affected them at the time. We try hard not to judge people in the past by our standards today, which can be difficult!
Members of the Friends of Winckley Square (FoWS) as part of this HLF initiative have had training in the use of historical sources and have then undertaken research on individuals from the past. The profiles that follow are just the start. We welcome new members who might like to become researchers and writers in this ongoing project.
Email patricia@winckley.org.uk if you’d like to know more.
Cornelia Connelly
Date 1809 - 1879Find out more
Ellen Cross
Date 1783 - 1849Find out more
William Cross
Date 1771 - 1827Find out more
Thomas Duckett
Date 1803 - 1878Find out more
James German
Date 1820 - 1901Find out more
Nicholas Grimshaw
Date 1757 - 1838Find out more
Dorothy Heaton
Date 1914 - 1983Find out more
Henrietta Miller
Date 1852 - 1926Find out more
Nathaniel Miller
Date 1849 - 1933Find out more
Mary Ogle
Date 1807 - 1897Find out more
Frances (Fanny) Parr
Date 1824 - 1886Find out more
Edith Rigby
Date 1872 - 1950Find out more
Marian Roberts
Date 1902 - 2007Find out more
Todd Sisters
Date 1908 - 2012Find out more
James Todd
Date 1863 - 1931Find out more
Beatrice Todd
Date 1876 - 1958Find out more
Louisa Frances Walsh
Date 1854 - 1909Find out more
Thomas Winckley
Date 1731 - 1794Find out more