Group Guided Walks
Group Walks
The Friends of Winckley Square (FoWS) provide dedicated walks arranged at a time that suits organisations. Whether a voluntary group such as Rotary, 41 Club, W.I or local history group you can arrange a walk that suits your members. Some businesses use the experience as Netwalking for staff within the business or across businesses.
Most groups build in a meal locally as part of the experience. FoWS can help with arranging that.
Group walks are based on the themes offered to the wider public but if you have a particular interest and one of our guides can accommodate you then we will do so.
Book a guided walk
If you would like FoWS to organise a Guided Walk for your group, please contact Patricia on 01772 254395 or by e-mail patricia@winckley.org.uk.
There is a charge for these Group walks. All proceeds go to support the work of FoWS. Our guides are all volunteers.