James Todd
James Todd 1863 - 1931

James Todd was a leading Liberal. His wife a prominent Liberal and suffragist in Preston. He was featured in Mayfair magazine as a man of fashion. He started his accountancy business from scratch and went on to chair international companies. His Lancashire accent engendered confidence in others. He sold large steel undertakings in Pre-revolutionary Russia, he supplied munitions and aero engines during WW1 to the British, French and Italian governments. His annual holidays were in Monte Carlo and he became one of the richest men in the area.

Ever wondered who has spent the most time on Winckley Square? If we count ‘dead and alive’ then the honour belongs to James Todd. He trained in Chapel Street; his first office was at 12, Winckley Street, then 3, Winckley Square and subsequently at 7, Winckley Square, which was his company’s headquarters until his death in 1931.
James is believed to be the first Prestonian to be cremated. The Preston Crematorium was not opened until 1962 and so his body was taken to Manchester Crematorium following a funeral service at the Parish Church (Now the Minster). His ashes were returned to Preston and placed in the front wall of what is now Napthens Solicitors at No 7. There they remain, marked by a simple stone plaque reading ‘J.T. 1863-1931.’

From poverty to riches in three generations
One of the features of 19th Century Preston is that some families went from ‘rags to riches’ in a very short time. The Todd family’s rise from poverty to great wealth took only two generations.
Three generations of male Todds were all called James. This was typical of many families at the time. Grandfather, James I, was born in 1777. He worked mainly as an unskilled labourer. He married Elisabeth Foster, who was 11 years younger than him, in April 1815.They were Baptists.
James and Elisabeth, like many nonconformists, married with a Marriage Licence. Instead of banns being read in church a licence could be obtained. The groom and a bondsman (usually a friend who guaranteed the bond) typically applied for the licence. The groom had to make a declaration that there was no legal impediment why the two could not marry. Failure to comply led to the forfeit of the bond. In the case of James and Elisabeth the marriage bond had a penalty of £200! (£17,500 today)
Marriage Licences were often used by wealthy Anglicans to avoid advance notice of their weddings; which the banns by their nature required. When the bride was pregnant licences were useful as they meant a marriage could take place quicker than if the banns had to be read. Marriage Bonds ceased in 1823
James I and Elisabeth had seven children. Among James I’s occupations were: groom, weaver, farm labourer, labourer and cab driver.
The second son of James I and Elisabeth was also named James and was born in March 1819. In the 1851 census this James II, age 32, was living at 13, Percy Street (north of Church Street) with his wife Judith age 29. Both were working, he as a ropemaker and she a weaver.
The area around Percy Street was a very poor district. It was in this area that Edith Rigby’s father, Dr Rayner, lived and worked as a doctor and where Edith observed abject poverty as she grew up.
By the time James Todd III was born in 1863 his parents had moved to 19, Lune Street. James II was no longer making rope; he was a Sack and Rope Merchant. Judith was 42 when she gave birth to James III. James III was the last of six children. Judith’s widowed mother, Ann, lived with them.
Michael Anderson in his ‘Family Structure in Nineteenth Century Lancashire’ (which was based on Preston), argued that the demand for child and female labour in the textile industry led to a long-standing, mutually beneficial arrangement working across generations. The grandparent, when too old to work outside the home, could fulfil a vital function supporting the family with child care and domestic work in return for bed and board. Anderson argued that this was much more pronounced in textile towns than in other Victorian urban or rural settings where older people would be more likely to be in receipt of Poor Law relief. ‘Pauperism among the old’ was lower in Lancashire than the national average. Typically a widow or widower would live with a son/daughter and spouse and care for the grandchildren, freeing both parents to work.
In the 1881 census the family was still in Lune Street. James III’s older brother George along with his father James II were classed as rope & sack merchants. George had presumably joined the family business. It is likely that there was not enough potential in the business for three men to earn a living and we find ‘our’ James III, age 17 as a Chartered Accountant Articled Clerk.

James Todd Accountant
James served his articles at the office of W. F. Moore and Sons, Chartered Accountants. The business was based at 9, Chapel Street. William Francis Moore had begun practising as an accountant in 1869. His name is still reflected in the business of Moore & Smalley which is located at 9, Winckley Square. The family moved to 24, Broadgate where James’ father subsequently died of diabetes in 1889.

George had moved to 35, St Peter’s Square. Two of James’s older siblings, George and Eleanor, moved to the USA.
James was very active in the 1880s. He was in a partnership called Blakey and Todd at 12, Winckley Street which was dissolved in December 1886. James took over the business including the liability for all debts. At the age of 23 he was fully established as a Chartered Accountant.

In March 1887 he was the Hon. Secretary of the New Reform Club and he advertised their inaugural Soirée and Ball in the Public Hall. The dancing began at 9.30 p m and was preceded by a scientific display at 8.30 by Preston Scientific Society. James at the age of 24 was therefore establishing himself as an active Liberal in the town. The Reform Club was at 18A Havelock Street at the time.
What would those who went to Top Rank in the 1960s, Tokyo Jo’s in the 80s or Evoque more recently have made of a Scientific Display before the music started?
By 1891 James, (27), was the head of the household. He was living still at 24, Broadgate and single. His occupation is shown as Chartered Accountant. The household consisted of two older sisters, Elizabeth (40) and Mary (33), and his widowed mother Judith (69).
From the beginning James Todd appears to have been willing to try his hand at a wide range of activities connected with money. He was a receiver, a trustee in cases of bankruptcy; he sold anything from furniture to houses to shares in PNE. He often used the term ‘offers wanted’.
James was entrepreneurial. He and S.M. Blackston were secretaries of the Preston Great Dog Show and advertised for entries to the Fourth annual event from the 12, Winckley Street office. The telegraphic address for entries was ‘Kennel. Preston.’ The advertisement wording perhaps illustrates James’ flair for publicity.
30TH AND 31ST MAY, 1894
£2.000 IN PRIZES.
12, Winckley-street, Preston
The Bank of England calculator gives a figure of over £250,000 as the 2018 equivalent to the prize money of £2,000 in 1894. Best in show at Crufts in 2018 won a silver trophy and a £100!
By 1896 James had moved to 3, Winckley Square, from where he advertised:
TO BE LET. OFFICES, 30. Winckley-square; Office Fittings and Furniture cheap if required. —Apply, Mr. James Todd, Chartered Accountant, 3, Winckley-square, Preston.
Lancashire Daily Post 21st September 1886
‘Cheap if required’ sets the same tone as ‘offers wanted’. James sold anything and everything, from large companies to the last possessions of a bankrupt or a deceased person.
Upward mobility
The journey from Percy Street to Broadgate via Lune Street is a sign of the family rising rapidly up the social ladder.
In the 1901 census James had moved again. He and Elizabeth lived at the prestigious address of 2, East Cliff. Intriguingly, his older sister Elizabeth was now classed as the head of the household. They had a cook and a housemaid living in. Mary, his sister, had died in 1892 age 33 and his mother Judith in 1898, age 77.
Six of the Todd family are buried in a family grave in Preston Cemetery, from Elisabeth, widow of James I, in 1862 to Judith, mother of James III and wife of James II in 1898.
Right place; Right time (and lots of talent!)
Whoever was responsible for James being articled as a Chartered Accountant made a good choice. In 1880 there were only 1,000 Chartered Accountants for the whole of England & Wales. So he entered a profession, one that was about to become vitally important to the world of business, at just the right time.

At times of great economic change and upheaval there are opportunities. James qualified just at the time when accountancy was changing from being little more than bookkeeping to an essential aspect of an effective business. The growth of limited companies and the increase in the size, turnover and complexity of large businesses led to a demand for more sophisticated professionals who could contribute to the effective management of businesses and respond to increased legislative activity. Five independent professional bodies were established in the 1870s and these merged in 1880 to form The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) and received the Royal Charter.
James Todd Chartered Accountant rapid expansion
James was international in his outlook. He travelled widely including Mexico, Russia, Spain, Italy and France. James Todd was certainly successful. He established branches of James Todd Chartered Accountants in Preston (Head office), Blackpool, Manchester, Chester and London. In the offices of James Todd & Co today in Adelphi, Preston there stands a tallboy which was used by James. It has drawers dedicated to offices in Moscow, Paris, Turin, London, Manchester, and Blackpool. James was involved in steel industry dealings in pre-revolutionary Russia. The Paris & Turin connections reflect his aero engine dealings with the French and Italian governments during WW1.

The company had been selected as auditors to major local companies including the Leyland and Birmingham Rubber Company in 1910 and Ribble Motor Services in the 1920s. Locally they maintained a very wide customer base, particularly in the Blackpool and Preston offices, continuing their work in bankruptcy, estates of the deceased, receivers and as trustees. It is striking how James Todd’s work went on to include the chairmanship of a multi-national company but his office in Preston was still dealing with small scale contracts.

James Todd was the auditor of Ribble Motor Services.
Personal, Political and Social Life
James Todd appears to have been a lifelong Liberal. He was committed to Free Trade and, it seems, to the extension of the franchise to women. This was not a given for Liberals. Asquith, the leader of the party from 1908 to 1916 (and PM), was strongly opposed.
It was noted above that James was an active member of the Reform Club in his early 20s. By his 40s he was President of the Preston Reform Club.
‘The flourishing position of the Preston Reform Club was emphasised on the occasion of the annual dinner held at the club premises last night, and over which the president, Mr. James Todd, presided. …The toast of “The President” was submitted by Mr. A. Clemesha J.P., who spoke of the indebtedness of the club and its members to the indefatigable service of Mr. James Todd.’
Lancashire Daily Post 18/12/1908
James married in 1908. His bride was Beatrice Rickward. She taught at the Preston High School for Girls which at that time was housed in 5, Winckley Square. James worked at 7, Winckley Square. Beatrice too was a Liberal and a suffragist. We don’t know how they met but the 44 year old ‘Bachelor’ Accountant and the 31 year old ‘Spinster’ Teacher were married on February 18th 1908 in Middlesex.
James was given a send-off to married life by his fellow Liberals. The tone of the remarks suggests he was very popular with his peers.
Mr. James Todd, who is to be married this week, was on Saturday night presented by members of the Preston Liberal Association and Preston Reform Club with a handsome wedding present. The gift consisted of valuable antique silver candelabra bearing the inscription: “Presented to Mr. James Todd by members of the Preston Reform Club, and Preston Liberal Association on the occasion of his marriage.” At the ceremony Mr. A. Clemesha. J.P. occupied the chair, and referred to their president’s many excellent qualities. He said Mr. Todd’s happy, genial, good nature had been a great factor in the success of the club, and they were all glad give him a hearty “send-off” in his new life. Over 200 members of the association and the club were concerned in the presentation, and they all wished him a long, happy, and joyous future.
Congratulations were also offered by Messrs. John Farnworth, W. Preston (secretary), R. Smalley, P. H. Edelston and Dr. Arthur Rayner. Received with “For he’s a jolly good fellow,” Mr. Todd, in responding, said that whatever efforts he might have put forward as a Liberal had been amply repaid by the good comradeship and the help given by members of the association in support the good cause they had at heart. They were all firmly convinced that the destinies of a great nation were after all safest in the hands of the party to which they belonged, and they were only too pleased to put forward personal efforts in order that they could retain the position they had succeeded in attaining. A letter expressing congratulations from the Preston and Catholic Cub, and signed Mr. J. Wilkinson, the secretary, was handed to Mr. Todd, and he acknowledged the compliment. A successful smoking concert was afterwards held.
Lancashire Daily Post 17/02/1908.
The presentation was on Saturday 15th February and James was married in Middlesex on Tuesday the 18th.
Note that among the named guests are Arthur Rayner, the brother of Edith Rigby and R. Smalley. This is Robert Smalley who would have worked alongside James Todd while Robert was employed as an office boy at the accountancy firm of William Francis Moore from 1880 when James was articled there. Robert Smalley later became a partner of William Moore and subsequently the senior partner. The firm ‘Moore and Smalley’ is today located at 9, Winckley Square, just around the corner from Chapel Street where the first company of W F Moore was founded 150 years ago.
James was flamboyant and clearly clubbable. He appeared in 1921 in a supplement to Mayfair magazine. Mayfair was a society weekly with a colour sketched portrait of a leading person of the day. It was published from 1911 to 1922. James is pictured smoking a cigar in a number of photos. His suit is well cut and his shoes are built-up and stylish.

As well as his political activities he was a member of Preston Cricket Club where he not only played as wicket keeper but also acted as treasurer.
Preston Cricket Club held their annual meeting last night, Mr. James Todd presiding….. The thanks of the club were due to Mrs. James Todd for giving the handsome challenge cup for this competition…. Mr. James Todd was re-appointed hon. Treasurer.
Lancashire Daily Post 18 December 1926
On marrying, James and Beatrice moved to Penwortham House which was in extensive grounds close to the now defunct West Lancashire Railway (WLR) Southport & Preston Railway.

Penwortham House taken in 1985 Alan Burton

The Census return in April 1911 was the first that was completed by the head of household. Prior to 1911 a census enumerator completed the forms. James Todd completed and signed the form. Their daughter, Judith Mary, had been born in 1908 and the three of them lived at Penwortham House with four staff. On the night of the census a visitor was present, Lily Waring. James recorded her as a Women’s Suffrage Agitator. She was active in the suffrage movement in Warrington. In 1911, Lily was appointed to the official position of National Organiser for the Women’s Suffrage Society. She then travelled widely in that role.
It’s interesting that James Todd describes her as an ‘Agitator’ rather than an ‘Organiser’. Was he being forthright as a supporter of women’s suffrage? Was it meant to be amusing? We’ll never know.
Warrington Museum and Art Gallery has a webpage devoted to Lily Waring who, later in life, became a published author and an artist whose work was well received.
In 1911 James and Beatrice had a nurse, a cook, a housemaid and an Italian valet. But the family was about to grow and they soon found Penwortham House inadequate.
Penwortham House is recorded as having 12 rooms (excluding scullery, landing, lobby, closet and bathroom). It wasn’t enough for the Todds who, with a growing family moved to Farington Lodge, probably in 1914. Their Farington home is still there and is now the Farington Lodge Hotel. Ursula was born in 1911 and Damaris in 1914. The family was complete.

James appears to have had relatively little to do with his daughters. He was away on business a great deal but even when available his daughters recall him as somewhat remote. Beatrice was also disinclined to spend too much time with the girls who were left to their own devices and the care of staff. They did spend time in North Wales holidaying as a family. James always appears immaculately dressed no matter what the setting.

James was by now a JP, a leading Liberal, a cricketer, he was active in local business groups such as the Preston Chamber of Commerce where he was Hon. Auditor and he was auditor to large businesses.
Rise and fall in the 1920s
WW1 gave James new opportunities. He had been engaged with heavy engineering and was involved with the British, French and Italian governments in the supply of munitions, war materials and aero engines. His travels on the Continent gave him fresh contacts and opportunities.
James Todd became Chairman of A. Darracq and Company in December 1919. It was a business with French and British companies within the group. The previous Chairman of the board Norman Craig died and James, already a director, became Chairman.
He was bullish about the prospects of the business. In 1918 they had bought Heenan & Froude (they built Blackpool Tower) then in late 1919 Clement Talbot the London based car makers. In 1920 they added the Sunbeam Motor Car Company and other motor industry businesses.

In August 1920 the company was renamed STD Motors (for Sunbeam, Talbot and Darracq).
At his first meeting as Chairman James Todd addressed the shareholders:
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the first annual general meeting at which I have had the honour to preside, and it is a source of considerable gratification that I have to deal with such a satisfactory position of affairs. The balance-sheet under consideration exhibits in a very strong light the sound position which this company now occupies…
You will recognise that this is the day of commercial combination. Amalgamations are in the air. The more self-supporting a business becomes the greater its chances of success. We cannot afford to stand still. Progress is our motto, and any alliance which leads to this end commends itself to your Board.
Lancashire Daily Post 2nd December 1919
James’ predictions did not prove to be accurate. In 1924 the company raised large loans to the value of 15% of the company. The loans were due in 1934. The situation worsened steadily through the 1920s. Matters came to a head in 1930.
STD Motors propose to write down £1 Ordinary shares to 6s. 6d. each, to fund the arrears dividend.
Daily Herald 21 February 1930
Price Waterhouse was commissioned to report to the board on the financial situation. Their main criticism was the failure of the board to coordinate the various parts of the group. Sales of the larger Sunbeam cars in particular had fallen significantly.
In the light of Price Waterhouse’s recommendations the whole Board resigned.
S.T.D. Board Resigns
It was officially announced yesterday that Mr. James Todd has retired from the Chairmanship of S.T.D. Motors. Ltd. In order to facilitate the carrying out of the recommendations.
Daily Herald 25 March 1931
A regular sight in Preston was James Todd being chauffeur-driven in his Sunbeam. He would be driven in from Farington to his office at 7, Winckley Square. His sister Elizabeth lived upstairs. James would go to the bathroom on the first floor and his barber would arrive at the house to give him a morning shave. James had a reputation for always being immaculately dressed and wearing a flower in his lapel.

Much to her dismay Damaris, his youngest daughter, was also chauffeur-driven to the Park School at 5, Winckley Square.
James and Beatrice had enjoyed the high life. They holidayed in Monte Carlo. They lived in style at Farington Lodge. They were pillars of society.

The economic crash added to a downturn in his fortunes. His shares in various businesses, including cotton mills, lost value. However, we are not describing a man on the verge of penury. He was taken ill at Haydock races.
Whilst at the races at Haydock Park, Manchester, on Saturday, Mr. James Todd, J.P., of Farington Lodge, Preston, the head of well-known Preston and Blackpool firm of chartered accountants, was taken ill, and brought home in an unconscious condition. Mr. Todd was stated this afternoon to be a little better.
Lancashire Daily Post 29th June 1931
The improvement did not last. Three weeks later James Todd died.
The death occurred yesterday, at his residence, Farington Lodge, near Preston, of Mr. James Todd, J.P., chartered accountant, and until recently chairman of the S.T.D. Motors. He was 68 years of age. Mr. Todd attended Haydock Park races about three weeks ago, and had a seizure. He was removed home, and though at one time there seemed to be some possibility of recovery, his condition became serious during the last few days. Mr. Todd was the son of Preston rope, twine, and tarpaulin merchant, who occupied premises now conducted by Messrs. Mayor and Son. As a youth he entered the office of W. F. Moore and Sons, chartered accountants, of Preston, with whom he served his articles.
His professional career had been one of almost uninterrupted success since he first opened an office in Winckley-street in 1888, only two years after being admitted to the Institute of Chartered Accountants. He gradually built up a very extensive practice, his dealings embracing huge enterprises in many parts of the world. In England he had offices in Preston. Manchester, London, Blackpool, and Chester, and until the revolution came his Russian interests necessitated an office in Moscow. His business compelled him to be a great traveller abroad, and he had visited Mexico, Russia, Spain, Italy, and other countries. He was actively interested in the motor industry, and was prominently identified with the Darracq Motors, and when that concern was merged with Sunbeam and Talbot, was made chairman of the amalgamation known as the S.T.D. Motors. He was also a director of the Hurst Park Race Company, and held directorships in other concerns. All his life Mr. Todd had been one of the stalwarts of the Liberal Party in Preston and Blackpool, and had held official positions with the party’s organisations in both towns. He acted as election agent, for Mr. Vivian Phillipps, when that gentleman contested Blackpool, and acted, too, in a similar capacity for Sir John Gorst when he was Liberal candidate for Preston in 1910.
He was an active member of the Preston Reform Club, and had the distinction of being president for four successive years from 1907. Among other appointments he had held with the Blackpool Liberal Association was that of chairman of the Finance Committee. He was an unfaltering Liberal and a Free Trader to the last. Mr. Todd was unable to spare much time for public work because of his wide business interests, but in 1909 was appointed a Justice of the Peace for the county, and he carried out his duties on the Bench with characteristic thoroughness. He was interested in many branches of sport, particularly cricket, golf and motoring. He gave valuable service to the Preston Cricket Club, with which he was connected as a playing member practically all his life. He was captain for some years, until his retirement three years ago, and was hon. treasurer for 33 years, occupying the position at the time of his death. Mr. Todd was the donor of the silver challenge cup competed for by workshop teams in the Preston Cricket Club’s annual medal competition. He is survived by his wife and three daughters, one of whom, Miss Judith Todd, took her degree at Oxford last Saturday. A service will be held in Preston Parish Church at 12 noon, Wednesday, prior to cremation at the Manchester Crematorium at two o’clock.
Lancashire Daily Post Monday 20th July 1931
A simple announcement appeared in the Births Marriages and Deaths Column on the same page
On the 19th inst. at his residence Farington Lodge, Leyland. JAMES TODD. Service Preston Parish Church, noon on Wednesday inst., prior to cremation at Manchester Crematorium.
Lancashire Daily Post Monday 20th July 1931
James’ Will was published later in the year:
Mr. James Todd, of Farington Lodge, Farington, Leyland, carrying on business as an accountant Preston, Manchester, Blackpool, and London, late chairman of S.T.D. Motors. Ltd., a director of the Hurst Park Club Syndicate and of the Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation, who died July 19th last, left Property of the value of £27,816 18s 10d net Personally £13,172 12s. 2d.
Lancashire Daily Post 12th November 1931
The Bank of England inflation calculator gives a figure of £1,861,326 as the 2018 equivalent
Following James’ death
Beatrice Todd and the three daughters had decisions to make. Read about their lives in the sections on Beatrice Todd and the Todd Sisters
James’ sister Elizabeth had remained living upstairs at 7, Winckley Square until her death at the age of 79 in 1929. Unlike James, who had married in an Anglican ceremony and whose funeral was also conducted under the rites of the Church of England, Elizabeth remained a nonconformist and never married.
On Wednesday. Nov. 20th, at her residence 7, Winckley-square. Preston. ELIZABETH TODD, only surviving daughter of the late JAMES and JUDITH TODD, aged 79 years. Funeral service. Nonconformist Chapel. Preston Cemetery, Saturday, Nov. 23rd, at 11 o’clock.
Lancashire Daily Post 22nd November 1929
The Todd connection with Number 7, Winckley Square did not end there. Judith went on to qualify as a chartered accountant in her father’s practice.
James Todd Accountants Annual Outing
James Todd appears to have been well-liked as a boss although somewhat distant.
George Hunniball joined the company in 1926 to serve his articles for accountancy. He recalled
‘As a junior, one did not meet James Todd, one became aware of him. He was a grand, and to me, remote character, who was always kindly.’
George, along with a large number of staff, attended the cremation in Manchester. Judith Todd, having gained her degree, had returned to Preston and served her articles. She passed her Chartered Accountancy exam after James had died on 12/07/1934 while working at 7 Winckley Square.
The company held an annual outing for staff in the summer. We have the programme for June 17th 1933.
The 1930s were tough times for the UK economy. The crash of 1929 fed through to the UK economy shrinking in 1930 and by more than 5% in 1931. The devaluation of the £ against the $ helped the UK economy grow again but by the time of this Staff Outing it was by no means certain the economy would recover.
Nonetheless James Todd & Co provided quite a day out for the staff. The company was then being run by James’ partner in the Preston & Blackpool branches, Mr A Rodwell, who remained in charge until 1962.
The day looks exhausting. Cricket at West Cliff in the morning, Lunch at the Bull and Royal, coach tour north, Tea in Silverdale, coach tour back south, Dinner at the Bull and Royal and then the Musical programme begins!
The Menu
Lunch in English. Dinner in French apart from Grape Fruit Cocktail. Petite Marmite by the way is not a small jar of marmite. It’s a meat and vegetable broth cooked and served in a marmite, which is an earthenware casserole pot.
The Evening Musical Programme
It is clear that members of staff take turns to entertain the group and the aim of most is to make the others laugh. A nice ‘double entendre’ promises a lively item 18. Even though this looks like a really lively day out and a chance for staff to let their hair down, the programme refers to everyone by their surnames and there are no married women on the trip (or probably on the staff) due to the Marriage Bar
Thanks to:
Ray Brain and John Standing, partners at James Todd, Chartered Accountants on Adelphi St., who have provided us with this programme from their archive.
Stephen Riley of Preston Photographic Society for taking the images of the pages from the programme.
Special Thanks
James Todd has been an unusual subject in many ways. We have been able to liaise with his grandaughter, Susan Rees, who has been brilliant in providing information about both James, her grandmother Beatrice Todd and their three daughters. All the Todd women have their own fascinating stories on this website.
The name of James Todd, Chartered Accountant, lives on in Preston. The current partners, Ray Brain and John Standing, of the company which is based at Greenbank House, Adelphi Street have also been extremely supportive to the Friends of Winckley Square. They still possess and value artefacts from James Todd’s time as owner of the company.
Peter Wilkinson (FoWS) has also supplied considerable additional material, particularly on the Todds’ time in Penwortham and Leyland.
By Steve Harrison