How to present a place and tell a story by photographs in Winckley Square


Sunday 10th October 2021

10:00 am till 12:00 pm | Winckley Square Gardens Winckley Square Preston PR1

Photography inspired by Winckley Square. Bring your camera or camera phone along to a photo shoot with freelance photographer Ryszard who will lead an exciting, innovative workshop in the Gardens providing guidance and feedback on this creative approach to photography. This session works in sun, cloud or rain so as long as there are no weather warnings, it will run. Great for Preston’s uncertain October climate.

Places are limited to 10. You can just turn up but to be assured of a place better to book on Eventbrite.

What's on

Guided Walk

Servants – The Hidden Occupants of Winckley Square

Winckley Square Gardens Winckley Square , Winckley Square, Preston, England PR1 3JJ

22nd August 2025 | 2:00 PM

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