Women’s Plights not Women’s Rights in the 19th Century: Guided Walk


Tuesday 15th March 2022

2:00 pm till 3:15 pm | Winckley Square Winckley Square Preston PR1

Much of what we take for granted in terms of equal rights is actually very recent. Many women in Lancashire today grew up at a time when they were paid less, promoted less, excluded from some jobs by law and in many cases forced to leave work if they married. It’s not ancient history. Developments at the end of the 20th Century would have seemed utterly impossible to women from the 19th Century. On this Guided Walk Susan Douglass will introduce you to women of Winckley Square who had few rights and who, if they were treated badly, had little or no recourse to justice. Even wealthy women had the laws of the land stacked against them. Life was precarious both financially and physically. Hear at first hand how real women who lived locally had to overcome obstacles most of us never even have to think about.

Places are limited. to be assured of a place book on Eventbrite. Problem booking? Contact patricia@winckley.org.uk

Meet in the centre of the gardens

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